Have you taken full advantage of your dental dollars? Dental insurance can be confusing. As we approach the end of the year, one essential piece of information to understand is your yearly maximum. Unlike your health insurance which has no limit on yearly coverage, almost all dental insurance policies have a yearly maximum. That means insurance will pay your dental provider up to a certain amount every year, and no more. Usually this is based on a calendar year.
If the entire amount of coverage isn’t used one year it doesn’t carry over into the next year, it simply expires. What you don’t use, you lose. Usually, that amount is somewhere between $1,000 and $2,500. Every year dental insurance companies profit when you miss out on the full dollar amount of your coverage plan.
Even if you don’t think you need any treatment, you might want to check to see if you’re eligible for a dental wellness visit, which includes a cleaning and exam. Most insurance policies will help with the cost of two of these visits every year, though some require you wait six months in between appointments. We’re always happy to check your benefits and see how we can help you maximize them.
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