The CPW family all enjoyed a festive and delicious holiday dinner together last weekend. Spot your favorite doctors, hygienists, assistants, and administrators all glitzed up for the occasion!
Admin Team photo! Elyse, Sabrina, Jessica, Ashley C, Shameka, Jess, Ashley R, Angel, Ashley C, Malorie
Dr. Kuller, Kristhy, Dr. Newman, Dr. Winokur
Kristhy, Teresa (and her amazing holiday sweater!), Anel
Kristhy & Monique
Dr. Kuller, Holly, Dr, Winokur
Teresa & Diane
Cailin & Ashley C
Team Leader Photo! Holly, Tatiana, Monique, Elyse, and Lana
Dr. Martin, Dr. Lhota, Dr. Newman, Dr. Winokur, Holly, Dr. Kuller, Dr. Brenner, Dr. Gardner, Dr. Kim
Holly & Elyse
Ashley C, Luis, Dr. Kuller
Lana, the very-tall Luis, Holly
Ashley R & Ebony
Dr. Gardner, AJ, Jung, Teresa, Louis
Shameka, Luis, Jess, Jessica
Jessica, Luis, Angel, Sabrina
Helene & AJ
Anel, Michelle, Tatiana