What’s new!

Learn what’s happening around Central Park West Dentistry, including dental tips and new perks.

Teeth & Sugary Holiday Treats

Teeth and sugary holiday treats

‘Tis the season of candy canes, gingerbread men, and champagne toasts. All these sugary treats can take a toll on your teeth over the course of the holidays. We want you to enjoy all of your celebrations and live your best life, but we also want to take a moment to fill you in on…

Can dental treatment affect my speech?

Can Dental Treatment Affect my Speech? (Plus: Tongue Twisters!)

Can dental procedures affect my speech? It’s common to have pronunciation challenges right after having new crowns, bridges, veneers, dentures, or Invisalign trays fitted. The good news is, you can expect this to resolve quickly. Some dental patients complain of slight slurring, hissing, lisping, spitting and problems with the sounds “th” “f” and “s”. Usually,…

Let's make the most of your benefits

We care about keeping your mouth healthy (even if we haven’t met you)

Your 2017 insurance benefits may be expiring soon. What do you mean, expiring?  Unlike your health insurance which has no limit on yearly coverage, dental insurance policies have a yearly maximum. That means insurance will help out with the cost of dental care up to a certain amount every calendar year, and no more.  If the…

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Request an Appointment

COVID-19 Update: We're open for all routine, elective, and emergency care. Please click the button below to be redirected to our appointment request page. We hope to offer instant online scheduling again soon, but in the meantime, one of our scheduling coordinators will reach out to help you find a convenient appointment.

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