What’s new!

Learn what’s happening around Central Park West Dentistry, including dental tips and new perks.

A Healthy Mouth Leads to a Healthy Heart

Researchers at VSPM Dental College and Research Institute (Maharastra University, India) conclude that periodontal disease a.k.a. gum disease, should be diagnosed and treated at its earliest onset to control and reduce what they term as “the epidemic” of cardiovascular disease and thereby reduce overall mortality. The results which led to this compelling conclusion involved a…

Our new Nespresso Machine

Loving our new Nespresso Machine at the 68th Street office!

CPR Training

CPW Dentistry is invested in keeping you safe! In New York only the dentists are required to know CPR and emergency protocols, but our entire team is trained each year to ensure that your visit is a safe and healthy one, no matter what.      

Have Questions? Text Us At: 833-513-0687

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Request an Appointment

COVID-19 Update: We're open for all routine, elective, and emergency care. Please click the button below to be redirected to our appointment request page. We hope to offer instant online scheduling again soon, but in the meantime, one of our scheduling coordinators will reach out to help you find a convenient appointment.

Request an Appointment